Joe Kelly, AIA, NCARB
Principal Architect
Joe Kelly AIA is one of the founding Principals of Hive Architects Inc., a Sarasota-based architecture firm consistently recognized for its concept-driven and regionally appropriate designs. A Florida native, Joe graduated summa cum lade with a Bachelor of Design in 2001 and a Master of Architecture in 2003 from the University of Florida, College of Design, Construction, and Planning. His work focuses on purposeful modernism, heightening the user’s perception and connection with space. Through carefully crafted design solutions rooted in regional modernism, Joe’s work has a rigorously clear, concise and timeless aesthetic. In 2019, Joe received the Young Architects Design Award from the University of Florida School of Architecture for his significant design contributions to the architectural profession.
Together with his wife and Partner, Gwen Leroy-Kelly, AIA, they share responsibility for developing the practice's vision influenced by architectural concepts engendered by the Sarasota School of Architecture movement.
Gwen Leroy-Kelly, AIA, NCARB
Principal Architect
Gwen Leroy-Kelly AIA is one of the founding Principals of Hive Architects Inc. A native of France, she graduated summa cum lade with a Bachelor of Design in 2001 and a Master of Architecture in 2003 from the University of Florida, College of Design, Construction, and Planning. She specializes in commercial work that exhibits a solid commitment to clarity of thought, design integrity, and quality of architectural detail. With her background and expertise, Hive Architects has become a multi-disciplinary practice that includes interior design, residential architecture, historic preservation, and private and public commercial projects. In 2019, Gwen received the Young Architects Design Award from the University of Florida for her significant design contributions to the architectural profession.
Always wanting to promote design, Gwen is a mentor for the ACE (Architecture, Construction, and Engineering) program at a local high school, where she introduces the younger generations to the architecture profession and guides them in developing their first project.
KAI -"Still Waters Run Deep, CGC"
Principal Barkitect
Elgin Still Waters Run Deep, call name “Kai”, is our Barkitect. Originally from Columbus, Ohio, she was adopted by Joe and Gwen in April 2016. Now a true Floridian at heart, Kai enjoys long morning walks and sunning herself in the afternoons. She received several certificates of achievement for completing Puppy A and Puppy B classes and Beginner 1 and Basic 2 Obedience Class. Kai is registered with the American Kennel Club and successfully obtained her Canine Good Citizen Title in February 2017.
Friendly and social, Kai is an office dog who greets clients and visitors by wiggling her behind. She may bark at new faces, but it doesn’t take long to call new people her best friends. Kai also loves to chew on anything paper-related, such as boxes, envelopes, and paper towels…. However, no matter how much she loves paper, Ellie the elephant and Doggy the dog remain her favorite toys.